
University of Toronto

The University of Toronto was founded as King’s College in 1827 and has evolved into a large and complex institution. It now occupies three campuses: Scarborough and Erindale and the historic St. George campus. It has federated with three smaller universities which are on the St. George campus, and is affiliated with several colleges and institutes. There are ten fully affiliated teaching hospitals in metropolitan Toronto. Faculty conduct research in many places in Canada and around the world.

The University is Canada’s most important research institution and has gained an international reputation for its research. It enrols more students, employs more faculty, and offers a greater range of courses than any other Canadian university.

A liberal arts education is the heart of the undergraduate curriculum at Toronto, and the Faculty of Arts and Science has more students than any other faculty. The education of students for the professions has always been an important part of the University’s role, and the University accordingly maintains a wide range of professional faculties. The University’s insistence on the importance of research in all disciplines has made it the major centre for graduate education in Canada. In many fields it produces a majority of the nation’s doctoral candidates. The quality and range of the programs - undergraduate, graduate and professional - attract students from all parts of the province, from around the country and from abroad.

To support its work of teaching and research, the University has collected a library that is the largest in Canada and among the best in the world. The University maintains many laboratories and specialized aids to research. The Library and many of these research facilities are available for use by members of other universities. The University of Toronto Press Inc. is the chief institution of its kind in Canada and one of the most important scholarly publishers in North America.


On March 15, 1827, King's College, the precursor to U of T, was granted its royal charter by King George IV. In the years since its founding , the university has been home to a series of colourful presidents, professors and students, notable intellectual figures like Northrop Frye and Marshall McLuhan, and dramatic turning points such as the admission of women in the 1880s, the University College fire of 1890, involvement in the two world wars, the student protests of the 1960s and the new wave of building and renewal in the present day.

Nearly two centuries of growth have yielded spectacular results. With campuses in downtown Toronto, Mississauga and Scarborough, U of T has over 9,000 faculty and staff, and more than 60,000 graduate and undergraduate students and an endowment fund that exceeds $1.3 billion. Its library ranks fifth among major North American universities.

U of T has been the birthplace of major research achievements such as the discovery of insulin, the creation of the first electronic heart pacemaker, the single lung transplant and the discovery of the gene responsible for the most severe form of Alzheimer's disease. Recent advances include the discovery of the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis, cloning of the T-cell gene, and the world's first nerve transplant.

The century old University of Toronto Press has published and continues to publish such major endeavours as The Historical Atlas of Canada and the Complete Works of Erasmus. The more than 300,000 alumni who have earned their degrees from U of T represent leadership in virtually every field of learning. Six Nobel Prize winners are U of T graduates.

Established in 1827, the University of Toronto is Canada's largest university, recognized as a global leader in research and teaching. U of T's distinguished faculty, institutional record of groundbreaking scholarship and wealth of innovative academic opportunities continually attract outstanding students and academics from around the world.

Victoria College

U of T is committed to providing a learning experience that benefits from both a scale almost unparalleled in North America and from the close-knit learning communities made possible through its college system and academic divisions. Located in and around Toronto, one of the world's most diverse regions, U of T's vibrant academic life is defined by a unique degree of cultural diversity in its learning community.The University is sustained environmentally by three green campuses, where renowned heritage buildings stand beside award-winning innovations in architectural design.

Robarts Library

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Faculty of Arts and Science
Faculty of Music
Faculty of Nursing
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Physical Education and Health
Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Forestry
Faculty of Information
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
School of Public Health
School of Public Policy and Governance
Rotman School of Management
Faculty of Social Work
Toronto School of Theology

Research Achievements
developed first electronic heart pacemaker, artificial larynx, single-lung transplant, nerve transplant and artificial pancreas
isolated gene that allows plants to grow in salt water
developed the chemical laser
developed the anti-blackout suit, later adapted to create the astronaut space suit
created the infant cereal Pablum
Economic Impact
103 spin-off companies with 3,000 employees and revenues of $725 million
generates $1.11 for every dollar of funding from federal and provincial governments
15th-largest employer in the Greater Toronto Area
U of T employees, students and alumni put an estimated $5 billion into the economy of the Toronto region annually
Noted Faculty - Past and Present
Sir Frederick Banting and J.J.R. Macleod won the Nobel Prize in 1923 for their work with Charles Best in the discovery of the role of insulin in controlling diabetes
John C. Polanyi won the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Political scientist Janice Gross Stein
Peter St. George-Hyslop led the team that discovered two genes responsible for early-onset Alzheimer's
medical biophysicist Lap-Chee Tsui led the team of researchers who discovered the cystic fibrosis gene
geneticist Tak Mak, the first to clone a T-cell gene
literary critic and author Northrop Frye
author and dramatist Robertson Davies
communications guru Marshall McLuhan
engineering pioneer Ursula Franklin
astronomer Helen Sawyer Hogg

Did You Know...

Ten Nobel Laureates were based at U of T at significant points in their careers.
over the last two decades, our professors have received almost a quarter of all national awards although they represent just under seven per cent of Canada's university professors
more than half of full-time undergraduates are women

U of T is in the midst of the largest capital expansion program in 40 years, building over 1 million square feet of classrooms, research facilities, libraries and residences
U of T has over 6,000 international students, just under ten per cent of our student population
the Royal Ontario Museum, Pollution Probe, Canadian Opera Company, and the Toronto Symphony were all started at U of T

University of Toronto ranked 45th in the 2007 THES-QS World University ranking
University of Toronto ranked 41st in the 2008 THES-QS World University ranking
University of Toronto ranked 29th in the 2009 THES-QS World University ranking
University of Toronto ranked 29th in the 2010 QS World University ranking
University of Toronto ranked 23rd in the 2011 QS World University ranking


University of New South Wales

UNSW is renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to new and creative approaches to education and research. Its motto - Scientia Manu et Mente ("Knowledge by Hand and Mind") - encapsulates the University's central philosophy of balancing the practical and the scholarly.

UNSW is a founding member of the prestigious Group of Eight research intensive universities in Australia and a member of the Universitas 21 international consortium.

Established in 1949, UNSW has expanded rapidly and now has close to 40,000 students, including more than 7000 international students from over 130 different countries. The University offers more than 600 undergraduate and 300 postgraduate programs, and has developed an extensive network of alumni chapters throughout Asia.
The idea of founding the University originated from the crisis demands of World War II, during which the nation's attention was drawn to the critical role that science and technology played in transforming an agricultural society into a modern and industrial one. The post-war Labor government of New South Wales recognised the increasing need to have a university specialised in training high quality engineers and technology-related professionals in numbers beyond that of the capacity and characteristics of the existing University of Sydney.This led to the proposal to establish the Institute of Technology, submitted by the then New South Wales Minister for Education Bob Heffron, accepted on 9 July 1946. Instead of creating a completely new Institute, the government decided to have the existing Sydney Technical College operating at Ultimo substantially expanded.

The University, originally named the "New South Wales University of Technology", gained its statutory status through the enactment of New South Wales University of Technology Act 1949 (NSW) by Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney in 1949. In March 1948 classes commenced operation with its first cohort of 46 students pursuing programs including Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering and Electronic Engineering.At that time the thesis programmes were innovative, in the sense that each course embodied a specified and substantial period of practical training in the relevant industry. It was also unprecedented for tertiary institutions at that time to include compulsory instruction in humanities.

Initially the University operated from the inner Sydney city campus at Ultimo (the current site of the University of Technology, Sydney). However, in 1951, the Parliament of New South Wales passed the New South Wales University of Technology (Construction) Act 1951 (NSW) to provide funding and allow buildings to be erected at the Kensington site where the university is now located.

In 1958 the University name was changed to the 'University of New South Wales' to reflect its intention to transform itself from a technology-based university to an all-rounded generalist university. In 1960 it broadened its curriculum and student base with the establishment of a Faculty of Arts and a Faculty of Medicine, soon to be followed by the Faculty of Law in 1971

The main UNSW campus is located on a 38-hectare site at Kensington, seven kilometres from the centre of Sydney. Other campuses are the College of Fine Arts (Paddington), UNSW@ ADFA (Canberra), and sub-campuses at Randwick and Coogee, as well as research stations around NSW.


The University has nine faculties:

Arts and Social Sciences
Australian Defence Force Academy
The Australian School of Business
Built Environment
College of Fine Arts

UNSW has a broad disciplinary base, with Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences; Built Environment; Engineering; Law; Medicine and Science, as well as the College of Fine Arts, UNSW@ADFA and the Australian School of Business, incorporating the Australian Graduate School of Management.

UNSW is host to groundbreaking research in fields as diverse as quantum computing, molecular engineering, photovoltaics, robotics, biomedical research, financial markets and design and interactive cinema. It has strong collaborative links with industry and business, consistently performing at the top nationally in Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Grants. UNSW expertise is also regularly sought after by business and government for a wide range of consultancy and training services.

UNSW has identified environmental sustainability as one of its strategic priorities. In 2007 it established the UNSW Climate Change Research Centre – bringing together more than 60 researchers from various disciplines across the University, it will be the largest centre of its kind. The University is also walking the talk with initiatives aimed at making the UNSW campus the greenest in Australia.

UNSW has almost 100 research, teaching program and community centres. Its research centres foster multidisciplinary research and include national centres such as the National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Research, ARC Centres of Excellence such as the Centre for Advanced Silicon Photovoltaics and Photonics, and UNSW centres such as Brain Sciences UNSW. Construction has also begun on the Lowy Centre for Cancer Research - the largest integrated cancer research institute in the Southern Hemisphere.

The University is a member of 15 Cooperative Research Centres and is affiliated with a number of prestigious medical research institutes, including the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.
The Financial Times (UK) 2006 table of Executive MBA programs placed AGSM as Australia’s leading business school with an international ranking of 23, an improvement of 12 places since 2005. AGSM is the only Australian business school featured in the rankings.

5 Stars for Teaching

UNSW received the maximum five-star rating for nine key performance indicators, well above any other G08 University, in the 2008 Good Universities Guide. In total points across all categories, UNSW is the national leader, outrating all other universities.

It achieved a top score for student demand, graduate starting salaries, research grants, research intensivity, student–staff ratios, cultural diversity, gender balance, and international enrolments.

UNSW has been judged one of the top three universities in Australia for the quality of its learning and teaching, and assessed as number one in Australia for its teaching performance in business and law.

The Federal Government’s Learning and Teaching Performance Fund for 2008 showed UNSW outranking all other GO8 universities. It will receive a total of $9.5 million from the Fund, the second largest allocation to any Australian university.

The Learning and Teaching Fund rewards universities that demonstrate excellence in teaching and learning for domestic undergraduates.

The University also regularly achieves top awards for individual teachers.

This article is taken from http://www.unsw.edu.au/about/pad/about.html.

University of New South Wales, Australia ranked 44th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking
University of New South Wales, Australia ranked 45th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking
University of New South Wales, Australia ranked 47th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking
University of New South Wales, Australia ranked 46th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking
University of New South Wales, Australia ranked 49th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


Monash University

Monash University is a public university based in Melbourne, Australia. It is Australia's largest university with about 55,000 students.

The University has a total of eight campuses: six in Victoria, Australia (Clayton, Caulfield, Berwick, Peninsula, Parkville and Gippsland), one in Malaysia and one in South Africa. The university also has a centre in Prato, Italy.

Monash University is a member of the prestigious "Group of Eight", a group composed of some of the most research-intensive universities in Australia.

Named after prominent Australian Sir John Monash, Monash University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1958, making it the first university to be established in the State of Victoria for 106 years.

From its first intake of 347 students at Clayton in 1961, the university grew rapidly in size and student numbers so that by 1967, it had enrolled more than 21,700 students.

Berwick Campus

In the decades that followed, Monash developed a wide range of courses in arts, commerce, engineering, education, law, medicine and science. It also established new buildings across the Clayton site and created a thriving cultural atmosphere with outstanding performing arts and concert programs and a growing collection of contemporary Australian art.

In 1990, Monash moved beyond the borders of Clayton and merged with the Chisholm Institute of Technology, creating the university's Caulfield and Peninsula campuses. This was followed by the establishment of the Gippsland campus, which, after an initial period as Monash University College Gippsland, officially became part of the Monash University family in 1991. The following year, the Victorian College of Pharmacy joined the rapidly growing university as the Parkville campus.

The growth continued apace with the establishment of a new campus in Berwick in 1994 within the south-eastern growth corridor of Melbourne.

In 1998, the Malaysian Ministry of Education invited Monash to set up a campus in Malaysia jointly with the Sunway Group. Monash University Malaysia was established in 1998 -- the first Monash campus outside Australia. A second off-shore campus was opened in South Africa in 2001.

Malaysia Campus

From a single campus at Clayton with fewer than 400 students, Monash has grown into a network of campuses, centres and partnerships around the world with more than 50,000 students from over 130 countries.

Monash University South Africa Campus

Monash University identity

The Monash University identity aims to convey our essence, what we are today and what we aspire to be in the future. The elements combine to present an image of quality and substance, clarity and innovation.

Our logo features a version of the original university shield (pictured at right) that demonstrates the quality associated with a prestigious higher education provider.

Devices on the shield include:
An open book commonly found in coats of arms of universities and learned societies, symbolising the pursuit of knowledge.
The stars of the Southern Cross signifying our country of origin, Australia.
The sword and wreath are references to the coat of arms granted to Sir John Monash, the namesake of the university.
Our motto "Ancora imparo", which means "I am still learning", attributed to Michelangelo.

The identity is designed to reinforce our values: Excellence; Diversity; Innovation and creativity; International focus; Fairness; Integrity; Engagement; and Self-reliance.

Clayton Campus: Robert Menzies Building

Note: The original Monash shield is still used to authenticate the university's highest official documents such as testamurs.

Monash University is regularly ranked as one of the top universities in Australia, Asia and the world. We have an enviable reputation for academic excellence, and outstanding research credentials.

This is how independent organisations have ranked and rated our quality:

We are recognised as one of the top 50 world universities, ranked 43 in the world by the Times Higher Education Supplement 2007.

Ranked as one of the top 40 universities in the Asia-Pacific (Shanghai Jiao Tong 2006) we continually aim to offer a rare combination of strong academic tradition and innovative, international spirit.

As one of Australia's leading Group of Eight (Go8) universities, we are recognised for our excellence in research, teaching and scholarship.

Our Monash Master of Business Administration (MBA) has been ranked number 2 in the world for the category of 'Personal development and educational experience' (The Economist Intelligence Unit Survey of MBA Programs, 2007). Overall it was ranked 43 in the world, the highest ranked MBA in Australia, a jump of 6 places from its 2006 position.

One of Australia's premier medical research university, we received over $9 million in NHRMC program grants in January, 2007.

Monash University offers a vibrant and challenging learning environment to more than 50,000 students. Our 10 faculties deliver quality degrees and embrace new directions, ideas and opportunities in research, that drive our culture of innovation.
Monash is divided into 10 faculties. These incorporate the University's major departments of teaching and research centres.

Faculty of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Science

Stand-alone, interdisciplinary research centres, which are not located within one faculty, include:
Monash University Accident Research Centre
Asia Pacific Centre for Science and Wealth Creation
Institute for Regional Studies (IRS)
Monash Asia Institute (MAI)
Monash e-Research Centre
Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy
Monash Centre for Synchrotron Science
Monash Sustainability Institute
Monash Institute for Nanosciences, Materials and Manufacture
Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements

Monash University ranked 43rd in the THES-QS 2007 World University Ranking

Monash University ranked 47th in the THES-QS 2008 World University Ranking

Monash University ranked 45th in the THES-QS 2009 World University Ranking

Monash University ranked 61st in the QS 2010 World University Ranking

Monash University ranked 60th in the QS 2011 World University Ranking


ETH Zurich (Zurich Federal Institute of Technology)

ETH Zurich was founded in 1855 as Federal Polytechnical School. In view of its 150th anniversary 2005, the chair for the history of technology of ETH Zurich has produced the «ETHistory 1855–2005» web site.

The ETH is a federal institute (i.e., under direct administration by the Swiss government), whereas the University of Zurich is a cantonal institution. The decision for a new federal university was heavily disputed at the time, because the liberals pressed for a "federal university", while the conservative forces wanted all universities to remain under cantonal control, with the goal of giving liberal thoughts no refuge. In the beginning, both universities were co–located in the buildings of the University of Zurich.

In 1909, the course program of the ETH was restructured to that of a real university, from its early, very schoolish agenda, and the ETH was granted the right to award doctorates. In 1911, it was given its current name, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule. In 1924, another reorganization structured the university in 12 departments.

Since 1993 the ETH Zürich, the EPFL, and four associated research institutes were joined and administered together as the "ETH Bereich".

The ETH is regularly ranked among the top universities in the world. It is placed between 3rd and 6th in Europe and between 10th and 27th in the world in international rankings by the Academic Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education Supplement World University Rankings. It was also ranked 12th by the latter in both sciences and technology in 2005.

Historically, the ETH achieved its reputation particularly in the fields of chemistry, mathematics and physics. There are 21 Nobel Laureates who are associated with the ETH, counting only graduates of the ETH and Professors who have been honored for their work at ETH. The most recent Nobel Laureate is Kurt Wüthrich who was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2002.


The basis of education at the ETH Zurich is formed by the core areas of engineering, natural sciences, architecture and mathematics. In addition, courses in physical education and military sciences are offered. The goal of instruction is to enable the students to acquire solid technical knowledge, practical skills, and the ability to take part in interdisciplinary activities. Relying on an atmosphere of a mutual trust among teachers and students, and a reciprocal awareness of social and ethical concerns, the ETH Zurich encourages in its students both individual creativity and the ability to reflect on and evaluate their own actions, with the aim of achieving a comprehensive outlook and a responsible mode of behaviour. Considering the need for a new approach to knowledge and technology and a better understanding of the nature of man, the ETH Zurich treats the humanities and social sciences as integral parts of its educational profile.

Further education
The ETH Zurich takes into account the fact that learning is being seen more and more as a life-long process. Correspondingly, the basic curriculum is kept relatively short and is later supplemented by postgraduate and further education courses. This is to promote a more rapid transfer of knowledge and technology between the university and the world outside.

At the ETH Zurich teaching and research are closely linked. Equal standing is assigned to knowledge-oriented basic research and to problem-solving research. Both areas are dedicated to fulfilling the highest standards, and are long-term oriented. The ETH Zurich is specially committed to the continuous development of that innovative potential within society and industry.

International links
As an institute of higher learning and research, the ETH Zurich cultivates an international standing. It is aware that its scientific contribution has to be confirmed by the international research community. Thus the ETH Zurich strongly supports international co-operation in all fields of research and education. As a long-term strategy, it also devotes special attention to structurally and economically underdeveloped countries.

The ETH Zurich encourages partnerships and interdisciplinary co-operation among members of its community, with other educational and research institutions, with industry, and with the public administration, and it believes in keeping the public informed regarding these activities. The sustainable development of human society depends on our efforts both to create and support a strong and innovative economy.

The ETH Zurich sets itself the goal of efficient self-management in the sense of providing optimal services to education and research within the given juridical framework. It endeavours to gain additional financial support, beyond the allotted public funds, from industry and private sources. Faithful to the basic principles of research and teaching, the ETH Zurich practices an economical use of resources such as land, materials and energy, and assigns high priority to security for human beings and the environment.

In its relationship with staff, the ETH Zurich conceives itself to be a responsible employer committed to observing up-to-date employment practices and working conditions. It adheres to a co-operative, fair style of management, allowing forms of participation appropriate to employeesí occupation and position, and it maintains an open information policy. No discrimination among its members is permitted on the basis of sex or social, ethnic or religious origin. The ETH Zurich wants to increase the proportion of women in all fields of research, teaching and administration. The ETH Zurich demands a high level of human and professional competence from senior personnel in all categories.

Location Zurich
The ETH Zurich benefits greatly from Zurichís urban setting. It feels closely tied to and responsible towards the city and canton. For its part it contributes to the cultural life of the city and region, and in all its activities pays regard to urban needs.
Agriculture and Food Science
Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Humanities, Social and Political Science
Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Management, Technology and Economics
Materials Science
Mechanical and Process Engineering

ETH Zurich Ranked 42th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking
ETH Zurich Ranked 24th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking
ETH Zurich Ranked 20th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking
ETH Zurich Ranked 18th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking
ETH Zurich Ranked 18th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


University of California, Los Angeles

The University of California, Los Angeles (generally known as UCLA) is a public research university located in Los Angeles, California, United States. Established as a branch of the state university in 1919, it is the second-oldest general-purpose campus in the University of California system and has the largest enrollment of any university in the state.
In March 1881, after heavy lobbying by Los Angeles residents, the California State Legislature authorized the creation of a southern branch of the California State Normal School (which later became San José State University) in downtown Los Angeles to train teachers for the growing population of Southern California. The State Normal School at Los Angeles opened on August 29, 1882, on what is now the site of the Central Library of the Los Angeles Public Library system. The new facility included an elementary school where teachers-in-training could practice their teaching technique on children. In 1887, the school became known as the Los Angeles State Normal School.

In 1914, the school moved to a new campus on Vermont Avenue (now the site of Los Angeles City College) in Hollywood. In 1917, UC Regent Edward A. Dickson, the only regent representing the Southland at the time, and Ernest Carroll Moore, Director of the Normal School, began working together to lobby the State for the school to become the second University of California campus, after Berkeley. On May 23, 1919, their efforts were rewarded when Governor William D. Stephens signed Assembly Bill 626 into law, which turned the campus into the Southern Branch of the University of California and added its general undergraduate program, the College of Letters and Science.The Southern Branch campus opened on September 15 of that year, offering two-year undergraduate programs to 250 Letters and Science students and 1,250 students in the Teachers College, under Moore's continued direction.

Enrollment at the Southern Branch expanded so rapidly that by the mid-1920s the institution was outgrowing the 25 acre Vermont Avenue location. The Regents conducted a search for a new location and announced their selection of the so-called "Beverly Site"—just west of Beverly Hills—on March 21, 1925. (The original Vermont campus is now home to Los Angeles City College.) After the athletic teams entered the Pacific Coast conference in 1926, the Southern Branch student council adopted the nickname "Bruins," a name offered by the student council at Berkeley.In 1927, the Regents renamed the school itself the "University of California at Los Angeles" (the word "at" was officially replaced by a comma in 1958, in line with other UC campuses) and the state broke ground in Westwood on land sold for $1 million, less than one-third its value, by real estate developers Edwin and Harold Janss, for whom the Janss Steps are named.

The original four buildings were the College Library, Royce Hall, the Physics-Biology Building, and the Chemistry Building (now Powell Library, Royce Hall, the Humanities Building, and Haines Hall, respectively), arrayed around a quadrangular courtyard on the 400 acre (1.6 km²) campus. The first undergraduate classes on the new campus were held in 1929 with 5,500 students. In 1933, after further lobbying by alumni, faculty, administration and community leaders, UCLA was permitted to award the Master's degree, and in 1936, the doctorate, against resistance from Berkeley.

By the 1950s, UCLA had developed into a serious and widely respected research institution. The campus received its first chancellor in 1951, thereby establishing itself as an autonomous entity within the UC system. The appointment of Franklin Murphy to the position of Chancellor in 1960 helped to spark an era of tremendous growth of facilities and faculty honors. By the end of the decade, UCLA had achieved distinction in a wide range of subjects. This era also secured UCLA's position as a proper university in her own right and not simply a branch of the UC system. This change is exemplified by an incident involving Chancellor Murphy, which was described by him later on:

"I picked up the telephone and called in from somewhere, and the phone operator said, 'University of California.' And I said, 'Is this Berkeley?' She said, 'No.' I said, 'Well, who have I gotten to?' 'UCLA.' I said, 'Why didn't you say UCLA?' 'Oh,' she said, 'we're instructed to say University of California.' So the next morning I went to the office and wrote a memo; I said, 'Will you please instruct the operators, as of noon today, when they answer the phone to say, "UCLA."' And they said, 'You know they won't like it at Berkeley.' And I said, 'Well, let's just see. There are a few things maybe we can do around here without getting their permission.'"


UCLA comprises the College of Letters and Science (the primary undergraduate college), as well as four other undergraduate colleges (Arts and Architecture, Herb Alpert School of Music, Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nursing, and Theater, Film, and Television), seven professional schools, and five professional Health Science schools. Since 2001, UCLA has enrolled over 33,000 total students annually, and that number is steadily rising.
Students at both levels are enrolled in the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture, the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the School of Theater, Film, and Television, while the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, the Anderson School of Management, the School of Public Affairs, and the School of Law serve graduate students.
The UCLA School of Medicine is widely renowned for its Medicine Program and Research. In 1981, the UCLA Medical Center made history when an assistant professor named Michael Gottlieb first diagnosed an unknown affliction later to be called AIDS. UCLA medical researchers also pioneered the use of PET scanning to study brain function. The signaling cascade of nitric oxide, one of the most important molecules in cardiopulmonary physiology was discovered in part by the medical school's Professor of Pharmacology Louis J. Ignarro. For this, he was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology along with two other researchers - Robert F. Furchgott of the SUNY Health Science Center and Ferid Murad of the University of Texas Medical School at Houston.

In the 2007 edition of U.S. News and World Report, UCLA Medical Center was ranked best in the West, as well as one of the top 3 hospitals in the United States alongside Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 15 of the 16 medical specialty areas examined, UCLA Medical Center ranked in the top 20.

UCLA is ranked 25th among "America's Best Colleges 2008: National Universities" by U.S. News and World Report, tied for third (with University of Michigan) for best public universities in the United States, and placed 13th in the world in 2007 in ranking done by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.UCLA also ranked 11th in the nation in terms of quality of scientific research leading towards a Nobel Prize. UCLA is a Public Ivy, and one of the 25 New Ivies, a list of universities ranked by Kaplan.

UCLA has more applicants than any other university in the United States. Out of 50,732 applicants for Fall 2007, 11,860 (23.38%) were admitted. Students come to UCLA from all 50 states and more than 100 countries, though according to statistics from 2001-05, an average 92.6% of the entire student body originated from California.

UCLA's athletic teams, the Bruins, have won 121 national championships, including 100 NCAA team championships as of 2007—first to have won 100 and still more than any other university.

In 2006, the university completed Campaign UCLA, which collected over $3.05 billion and is currently the most successful fundraising campaign in the history of higher education.

UCLA faculty (including emeriti) have a history of achieving academic honors and prestigious awards. Most prominently, 90 professors are members of the honor society, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and 52 have been awarded Guggenheim Fellows grants since 1992. Six professors have been awarded the Nobel Prize (two of which are currently members of the faculty), and Jared Diamond, a professor of Geography, won a Pulitzer Prize for his book Guns, Germs, and Steel.. There are seven MacArthur Foundation Fellows on the faculty. Four alumni have also received Nobel Prizes for achievements in science and Peace; notably, Glenn T. Seaborg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1951 for his discoveries about the transuranium elements. In 2006, 54 faculty members were listed as "Highly Cited" by the Institute for Scientific Information. A professor of mathematics, Terence Tao, was awarded the 2006 Fields Medal.

UCLA ranked 41st in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking
UCLA ranked 30th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking
UCLA ranked 32nd in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking
UCLA ranked 35th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking
UCLA ranked 34th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking

Tsinghua University

Situated on several former royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty, surrounded by a few historical sites in northwest Beijing, is the campus of Tsinghua University. The garden-like landscape, with the Wanquan River meandering through, has inspired and motivated generations of students.

Tsinghua University was established in 1911 originally as "Tsinghua Xuetang," a preparatory school for students who would be sent by the government to study in universities in the United States. The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The university section was instituted in 1925 and undergraduate students were then enrolled. The name "National Tsinghua University" was adopted in 1928, and in 1929 the Research Institute was set up.
Although Western culture was pervasive in the early history of the university, Chinese culture were also cherished and widely studied. The faculty greatly valued the interaction between the Chinese and Western cultures, the sciences and humanities, the ancient and modern. Tsinghua scholars Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Chen Yinque and Zhao Yuanren, renowned as the "Four Tutors" in the Institute of Chinese Classics, advocated this belief and had a profound impact on Tsinghua's later development.

The Resistance War against the Japanese Invasion in 1937 shattered the campus' serenity and forced Tsinghua to move to Kunming and join with Peking University and Nankai University to form the "Southwest Associated University." Despite the tumult, hardships and material scarcity brought on by the war, the teachers and students persisted with their work and studies, achieving outstanding academic performance even under such difficult conditions. After the war, in 1946, the university was moved back to its original location in Beijing.

The Grand Auditorium

The Tsinghua faculty and students have left a lasting imprint on the history of modern China. They actively resisted the Japanese invasion, participated in the influential "December 9th Movement of Patriotism and Democracy" and the movement of the "Struggle against Starvation, Civil War and Persecution," and devoted themselves to the pursuit and spread of the truth that would give new birth to the nation in the midst of her struggle for independence.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the university was molded into a polytechnic institution focusing on engineering in the nationwide restructuring of universities and colleges undertaken in 1952. In November 1952, Jiang Nanxiang became the president of the university. He sought to best way to promote Chinese higher education and made significant contributions in redirecting Tsinghua to become the national center for training engineers and scientists with both professional proficiency and personal integrity.

Tsinghua has flourished since 1978, with the re-establishment of the departments in sciences, economics and management, and the humanities. The Tsinghua graduate school has been recognized nationally, ranking first in the National Evaluation of Graduate Schools. The School of Continuing Education makes the best use of modern information technologies, as well as the advanced educational resources at Tsinghua. Currently, the university consists of 44 departments distributed in 11 schools, including the schools of sciences, architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, information science and technology, humanities and social sciences, economics and management, law, arts and design, public policy and management, and applied technology. A medical school is currently being established. Tsinghua is developing into a comprehensive university at a breathtaking pace.

With a splendid legacy accumulated over the past 90 years, Tsinghua has retained its character and charm while promoting rigorous scholarship research, ensuring academic and educational prestige in China and abroad. The university currently has over 7,100 faculty and staff, with over 900 full professors and 1,200 associate professors, including 24 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 24 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
The old gate

The educational philosophy of Tsinghua is to "train students with integrity." Among the over 100,000 students who have graduated from Tsinghua since its founding are many outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen remembered and respected by their fellow Chinese citizens. Hence, to study at Tsinghua is the dream of many Chinese youth. Presently, Tsinghua has over 20,000 students, including 12,000 undergraduates, 6,200 master's degrees candidates and 2,800 doctoral candidates.

With strong support from the nation and in the
face of unprecedented opportunities, Tsinghua University is poised to become a world-class university in the 21st century. With the inspiring motto "Self-discipline and Social Commitment," Tsinghua is dedicated to the well being of Chinese society.

School of Architecture

- Department of Architecture
- Department of Urban Planning & Design
- Department of Building Science
- Department of Landscape Architecture

School of Civil Engineering

- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Hydraulic Engineering
- Department of Construction Management

School of Mechanical Engineering

- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology
- Department of Thermal Engineering
- Department of Automotive Engineering
- Department of Industrial Engineering

School of Aerospace

- Department of Engineering Mechanics
- Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering

School of Information Science and Technology

- Department of Electronic Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Technology
- Department of Automation
- Institute of Microelectronics
- Department of Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics
- School of Software

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Engineering Physics
Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
School of Sciences

- Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

School of Marxism
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of History
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Political Science
- Department of International Relations
- Department of Psychology

School of Economics and Management

- Department of Management Science and Engineering
- Department of Economics
- Department of Finance
- Department of Accounting
- Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
- Department of Business Strategy and Policy
- Department of Marketing

School of Public Policy & Management
School of law
Academy of Arts and Design

- Department of Art History
- Department of Industrial Design
- Department of Environmental Art Design
- Department of Ceramic Design
- Department of Visual Communication Design
- Department of Textile and Fashion Design
- Department of Art and Crafts
- Department of Painting
- Department of Sculpture
- Department of Information Art & Design

School of Medicine

- Department of Medical Science
- Department of Pharmaceutical Science
- Department of Biomedical Engineering

School of Journalism and Communication

Institute of Nuclear And New Energy Technology
Department of Physical Education

Tsinghua University ranked 40th in the 2007 THES-QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING

Tsinghua University ranked 56th in the 2008 THES-QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING

Tsinghua University ranked 49th in the 2009 THES-QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING

Tsinghua University ranked 54th in the 2010 QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING

Tsinghua University ranked 47th in the 2011 QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING


University of Michigan

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (U of M, UM or simply Michigan) is a coeducational public research university in the state of Michigan. The university was founded in 1817 in Detroit, about 20 years before the territory of Michigan officially became a state, and moved to Ann Arbor in 1837. Today, it is the state's oldest university and the flagship campus of the University of Michigan system, which now has two satellite campuses, the University of Michigan, Flint and the University of Michigan, Dearborn.

The school is internationally renowned for its academics. In its last published survey in 1995, the National Research Council ranked UM 3rd in the United States in a study that aggregated evaluations of 41 graduate disciplines.

In 2007, U-M produced the highest number of Fulbright awards for any American University, surpassing both Yale and Harvard.The university also has one of the largest research expenditures of any American university and one of the largest number of living alumni at 420,000. The university owns one of the most well-regarded academic medical centers in the United States, the University of Michigan Health System. UM is recognized for its history of student activism and its athletic teams, notably in football, men's basketball, and ice hockey. It is considered as one of the original eight Public Ivys.

The university has 26,083 undergraduate and 14,959 graduate students in 600 academic programs, and each year about 5,400 new students are enrolled. Students come from all 50 U.S. states and more than 100 countries.
The University of Michigan was established in Detroit in 1817 as the Catholepistemiad, or University of Michigania, by the governor and judges of Michigan Territory. The Rev. John Monteith was one of the university's founders and its first President. Ann Arbor had set aside 40 acres (16 ha) that it hoped would become the site for a new state capitol, but it offered this land to the university when Lansing was chosen as the state capital. The university moved to Ann Arbor in 1837. The original 40 acres (160,000 m2) became part of the current Central Campus.
The first classes in Ann Arbor were held in 1841, with six freshmen and a sophomore, taught by two professors. Eleven students graduated in the first commencement in 1845. By 1866 enrollment increased to 1,205 students, many of whom were Civil War veterans, and women were first admitted in 1870. James B. Angell, who served as the university's president from 1871 to 1909, aggressively expanded UM's curriculum to include professional studies in dentistry, architecture, engineering, government, and medicine. UM also became the first American university to use the seminar method of study.

From 1900 to 1920 many new facilities were constructed on campus, including facilities for the dental and pharmacy programs, a chemistry building, a building for the natural sciences, Hill Auditorium, large hospital and library complexes, and two residence halls. The university fortified its reputation for research in 1920 by reorganizing the College of Engineering and forming a potent advisory committee of 100 industrialists to guide academic research initiatives. The university became a favorite alternative choice for Jewish students from New York in the 1920s and 1930s when the Ivy League schools were applying a quota to the number of Jews to be admitted. As a result, UM gained the nickname "Harvard of the West," which became commonly parodied in reverse after John F. Kennedy referred to himself as "a graduate of the Michigan of the East, Harvard University" in his speech proposing the formation of the Peace Corps while on the front steps of the Michigan Union.

During World War II, UM's research grew to include U.S. Navy projects such as proximity fuzes, PT boats, and radar jamming. By 1950, enrollment had reached 21,000, of whom 7,700 were veterans supported by the G.I. Bill. As the Cold War and the Space Race took hold, UM became a major recipient of government grants for strategic research and helped to develop peacetime uses for nuclear energy. At present, much of that work, as well as research into alternative energy sources, is pursued via the Memorial Phoenix Project.

On October 14, 1960, Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proposed the concept of what became the Peace Corps on the steps of Michigan Union. Lyndon B. Johnson's speech outlining his Great Society program also occurred at UM.Also during the 1960s, UM saw many protests by student groups. On March 24, 1965, a group of UM faculty members and 3,000 students held the nation's first ever faculty-led "teach-in" to protest against American policy in Southeast Asia.In response to a series of sit-ins in 1966 by Voice–the campus political party of Students for a Democratic Society–UM's administration banned sit-ins. This stimulated 1,500 students to conduct a further one-hour sit-in the LSA Building, which then housed administrative offices. Former UM student and noted architect Alden B. Dow designed the current Fleming Administration Building, which was completed in 1968. The building's plans were drawn in the early 1960s, before student activism prompted a concern for safety. Nevertheless, the Fleming Building's narrow windows, all located above the first floor, and fortress-like exterior led to a campus rumor that it was designed to be riot-proof. Dow denied those rumors, claiming the small windows were designed to be energy efficient.

During the 1970s, severe budget constraints challenged the university's physical development; however, the 1980s saw a surge in funds devoted to research in the social and physical sciences. Meanwhile, the university's involvement in the anti-missile Strategic Defense Initiative and investments in South Africa caused controversy on campus. During the 1980s and 1990s, the university devoted substantial resources to renovating its massive hospital complex and improving the academic facilities on the North Campus. The university also emphasized the development of computer and information technology throughout the campus.

In the early 2000s, UM also faced declining state funding due to state budget shortfalls. At the same time, the university attempted to maintain its high academic standing while keeping tuition costs affordable. There were also disputes between UM's administration and labor unions, notably with the Lecturers' Employees Organization (LEO) and the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO), the union representing graduate student employees. These conflicts led to a series of one-day walkouts by the unions and their supporters. The university is currently engaged in a $2.5 billion construction campaign.In 2009, the university consummated a deal to purchase a facility formerly owned by Pfizer. The acquisition includes over 170 acres (0.69 km2) of property, and 30 major buildings comprising roughly 1,600,000 feet (490,000 m) of wet laboratory space, and 400,000 square feet (37,000 m2) of administrative space. As of the purchase date, the university's intentions for the space were not announced, but the expectation is that the new space will allow the university to ramp up its research and ultimately employ in excess of 2,000 people.

Law Quadrangle

About 65% of undergraduate students are enrolled in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LS&A), while the College of Engineering has about 20%. Fewer than 3% of undergraduate students are enrolled in the Ross School of Business. The rest of the undergraduate students are enrolled in the smaller schools, including the School of Nursing, the School of Natural Resources and Environment, and the School of Art and Design.

Most graduate students are enrolled in the Rackham Graduate School, the College of Engineering, the Law School, the Ross School of Business, and the Medical School. The Medical School is partnered with the University of Michigan Health System, which comprises the University's three hospitals, dozens of outpatient clinics, and many centers for medical care, research, and education. Other academic units include the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Schools of Dentistry, Education, Information, Music, Theatre & Dance, Natural Resources and Environment, Public Health, and Social Work, of which Social Work has been ranked first by the U.S. News and World Report every year since 1994.

Biomedical Science Building
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
School of Medicine
College of Engineering
School of Law
School of Dentistry
School of Pharmacy
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
School of Nursing
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning
Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
School of Education
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
School of Natural Resources & Environment
School of Public Health
School of Social Work
School of Information
School of Art & Design
School of Kinesiology

There are over 6,200 faculty members, 73 of whom are members of the National Academy, and 435 of whom hold an endowed chair in their discipline. The university routinely leads in the number of Fulbright Scholars in the late 1990s and 2000s, and has also matriculated 25 Rhodes Scholars.

In one recent rankings summary, more than 70% of UM's 200 major programs, departments, and schools were ranked in the top 10 in the nation The 2008 U.S. News and World Report ranks UM 25th among all American universities and 3rd among public universities.

In its 2007 annual college rankings, The Washington Monthly ranks UM sixth nationally with criteria based on research, community service, and social mobility.Newsweek International rates UM 11th globally based on "openness and diversity" as well as "distinction in research". Similarly, the 2007 edition of the Fiske Rankings rates UM with "5 Stars"—reserved for only those universities of the highest academic quality. Furthermore, UM's academic reputation has led to its inclusion on Richard Moll's list of Public Ivies.

A concern about academics at UM is the high level of educational expenses for a public institution, especially for out-of-state undergraduate students, who pay between US $31,301 and $36,352 annually for tuition alone. In 2005, out-of-state tuition at UM was the most expensive in the United States for a public college or university.

Interior of Law Library

Conversely, in-state undergraduate students paid between US $10,447 and $14,442 annually. Notwithstanding the quoted tuition levels, the university is attempting to increase financial aid availability to students. To that end, the university has, built as part of its larger university campaign, a greater than US $440 million endowment in order to replace loans with out-right grants to students .

University of Michigan ranked 38th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking

University of Michigan ranked 18th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking

University of Michigan ranked 19th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking

University of Michigan ranked 15th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking

University of Michigan ranked 14th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, commonly referred to as CUHK, is the second oldest university in Hong Kong; it is campus-based and also the only collegiate university in the territory.

A brief history
  • 1957, New Asia College, Chung Chi College, and United College established the Hong Kong Chinese Higher Education Association, same year, the colleges received government funding and academic status.
  • 1959, New Asia College, Chung Chi College, and United College became government funded institutions of higher education.
  • 1963, New Asia College, Chung Chi College, and United College combined to become the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • 1965, School of education established.
  • 1976, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance enacted, CUHK was established as a collegiate university.
  • 1977, School of Medicine established.
  • 1986, Shaw College established.
  • 1991, School of Engineering established.
  • 2005, program of international economy established.
  • 2005 December, School of Law established.
  • 2006, the establishment of two new colleges, Morningside College and S. H. Ho College, was announced.
  • 2007, the establishment of another three colleges, C. W. Chu College, Wu Yee Sun College and Lee Woo Sing College, was announced

There are nine main faculties at CUHK:
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Medicine/CUHK Medical School
Faculty of Social Science
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Law
The Graduate School.

The university's founders hoped that it would become the bridge that connects China and the West, and to combine tradition with modernity.

The university library system houses the Hong Kong Studies Archive, Hong Kong Literature Collection, Chinese Overseas Collection, Nobel Laureate GAO, Xingjian Collection, Nobel Laureate CY Yeung Archive, American Studies Resource Collection and Modern Chinese Drama Collection, which highlight the distinctive CUHK stock of literature in Hong Kong. In 2002, the library system held than 1.8 million items.

CUHK also houses the Chinese University of Hong Kong Art Museum, which houses "a wide range of artifacts illuminating the rich arts, humanities and cultural heritage of ancient and pre-modern China.

CUHK ranked 38th in the 2007 THES-QS World University ranking
CUHK ranked 42nd in the 2008 THES-QS World University ranking
CUHK ranked 46th in the 2009 THES-QS World University ranking
CUHK ranked 42nd in the 2010 QS World University ranking
CUHK ranked 37th in the 2011 QS World University ranking

National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore (NUS) is a multi-campus university of global standing, with distinctive strengths in education and research and an entrepreneurial dimension. It offers a comprehensive range of disciplines ranging from architecture to medicine to music. The NUS student community comprises a cosmopolitan mix of over 32,000 students from 88 countries, contributing to a vibrant and thriving campus life.


In September 1904, Tan Jiak Kim led a group of representatives of the Chinese and other non-European communities, and petitioned the Governor of the Straits Settlements, Sir John Anderson, to establish a medical school in Singapore. Tan, who was the first president of the Straits Chinese British Association, managed to raise $87,077, of which the largest amount of $12,000 came from himself. On 3 July 1905, the medical school was founded, and was known as the Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School. The medical library was first housed in the students' reading room within the school, converted from the vacant old female lunatic asylum in Sepoy Lines.

In 1912, the medical school received a donation of $120,000 from the King Edward VII Memorial Fund, started by Dr Lim Boon Keng. Subsequently on 18 November 1913, the name of the school was changed to the King Edward VII Medical School. In 1921, it was again changed to the King Edward VII College of Medicine to reflect its academic status.

In 1929, Raffles College was established to promote arts and social sciences at tertiary level for Singapore students.

Two decades later, Raffles College was merged with the King Edward VII College of Medicine to form the University of Malaya on 8 October 1949. The two highly respected institutions were merged to perform together an even greater service by providing for the higher education needs of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore and to help lay the foundations of a new nation by producing a generation of skilled and educated men.

In 1959, the University of Malaya was divided into two divisions, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur and University of Malaya in Singapore. The latter division formed the University of Singapore in 1962.

The present institution was formed with the merger of the University of Singapore and Nanyang University in 1980. The original crest of Nanyang University with three intertwined rings was incorporated into the new coat-of-arms of NUS

University cultural centre

Faculties and Schools

NUS has 14 faculties and schools, including a music conservatory. Currently, it has five overseas colleges at major entrepreneurial hubs in Silicon Valley, Bio Valley, Shanghai, Stockholm and Bangalore.
The Faculties are:
Arts and Social Sciences
NUS Business School
NUS School of Computing
Design and Environment
National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
University Scholars Programme
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
Graduate Schools
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

NUS was ranked 33rd in the 2007 THES-QS World University Rankings

NUS was ranked 30th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Rankings
NUS was ranked 30th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Rankings
NUS was ranked 31st in the 2010 QS World University Rankings
NUS was ranked 28th in the 2011 QS World University Rankings