
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea

KAIST (formerly known as Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is a research university located in Daedeok Science Town, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established in 1971 as the nation’s first graduate school specializing in science and engineering education and research. It is one of the top science and technology universities in South Korea along with Seoul National University and POSTECH.

KAIST is located in the Daedeok Research Complex in the city of Daejeon, 150 kilometers south of the capital city, Seoul. Daedeok complex is the nation’s R&D capital and home to some 50 public and private research institutes, universities and high-tech and venture capital companies. KAIST’s Daedeok and Seoul campuses house four colleges (natural science, engineering, business and cultural science with 16 departments), eight research institutes and five affiliate schools. There are at present a total of 7,736 students enrolled; 3,223 in the bachelor’s, 2,213 in the master’s, and 2,300 in the doctorate program. International students number 220 and account for 3 percent of all students, with 55 in the bachelor’s, 76 in the master’s, and 89 in the doctoral program. KAIST has 442 professors and 323 staff as of Feb. 1, 2008.

KAIST was founded with government funding and was initially staffed with a number of Korean engineering and science talents educated in the United States. From the onset, the emphasis has been in theoretical as well as applied research. KAIST continues to be Korea’s foremost center of strategic R&D projects. The University helped pioneer the establishment of competitive graduate school programs in Korea.

The University’s some 400 faculty conducts research in cooperation with academics and industries all over the world. KAIST offers grants and fellowships to international students.

The University has for many decades, recruited faculty from overseas. The current KAIST President Nam Pyo Suh, an authority in axiomatic design technology, comes from MIT. His predecessor, Robert Laughlin, a Nobel Prize laureate and a physics professor from Stanford University, was the first foreigner to head a Korean university. Professor Emeritus Cho Jang Hee, was a dual professor at both Columbia, New York, and KAIS, and played major role in the development of the PET scanning technology.

The vast majority of professors come from US higher education institutions. The school engages in many international programs with leading European and Asian universities. The university is a member of LAOTSE, an international network of universities in Europe and Asia. It is also a member of the Association of East Asian Research Universities.

Academic Programmes

4 colleges, 7 School, 21 departments and 11 interdisciplinary programs

Governed by a special law, KAIST has an autonomous and flexible academic system. Other South Korean colleges and universities are required to abide by the government-directed admissions and curriculum requirements. Undergraduate students can join the school through an “open major system” that allows students to take classes for three terms and choose a discipline that suits their aptitude. In addition, undergraduate students are free to change their major anytime.

With Korea’s first test-free admissions system, the overall grades, the math and science grades, recommendation letters from the teachers, study plan, personal statements, and other data that show the excellence of potential students are evaluated for admission.

KAIST has produced many doctors through the Integrated Master’s and Doctoral program and Early Completion System. Students must publish their papers in globally renowned academic journals.

Scholarships are given to all students in the bachelor, master and doctorate courses, and doctoral students are given military-exemption benefits. On campus dormitories are provided to all those who wish to use them.

College of Natural Science

The College of Natural Sciences consists of 5 departments: Physics, Biological Sciences, Mathematics (Division of Mathematics and Division of Applied Mathematics), and Chemistry. The College of Natural Sciences also holds the Natural Science Research Institute as an annexed research institute.

College of Engineering

The College of Engineering consists of two schools, seven departments and four divisions

College of Cultural Science

The College of Culture and Science is composed of two Departments: School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Graduate School of Culture Technology. The School of Humanities and Social Sciences has about 75 faculty members (3 professors emeriti, 18 full-time faculties, 13 visiting professors, 1 research professor, 40 lecturers), the Graduate School of Culture Technology also has 4 full-time faculties, 5 visiting professors, 7 adjunct professors, and 89 master students and 36 doctoral students. The Graduate School established the Humanities and Social Science Research Center and the Culture Technology Research Center.

College of Interdisciplinary Studies

The interdisciplinary major program at KAIST was founded on September 1, 2003. With the subsequent establishment of auxiliary organizations, the program was launched in earnest in April 2004.

Business School

KAIST established the Graduate School of Management in March, 1996. In 2006, The Graduate School of Management joined with the Graduate School of Finance and the Graduate School of Information & Media Management to form KAIST Business School.

KAIST ranked 132th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking
KAIST ranked 95th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking
KAIST ranked 69th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking
KAIST ranked 79th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking
KAIST ranked 90th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands

The Eindhoven University of Technology (in Dutch: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven or TU/e, and formerly Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven or THE) is a university of technology located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The motto of the university is: Mens agitat molem (The mind moves matter).

It was founded as the Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven (THE) on June 15, 1956 by the Dutch government. It was the second institute of its kind in the Netherlands, preceded only by the Delft University of Technology. It is located on its own campus in the center of Eindhoven, just north of the central station. It is currently home to about 240 professors, 7200 students, 250 PDEng-students, 600 Ph.D. students, 200 post-doc students and 3000 regular employees. It also supports about 100 student associations and 15 alumni associations. Yearly, the Eindhoven University of Technology produces almost 3000 scientific publications, 140 PhD-awards, and 40 patents.

The Eindhoven University of Technology is main participant in the technological top institutes DPI and NIMR. One of the former students of the university is Gerard Kleisterlee, the current CEO of Philips.

The university is located in an area where several companies active in technology are doing their research, like Philips, ASML and DAF. The university maintains close contacts with most of these companies. As of April 29, 2005, Prof.dr.ir. C.J. van Duijn has the position of rector magnificus. In 2006, the University celebrated its 50th birthday.

In a 2003 European Commission report , TU/e was ranked as 3rd among European research universities (after Cambridge and Oxford, at equality with TU Munich), based on the impact of its scientific research. In 'The Times Higher Education Supplement World University Ranking 2005'. it was ranked 74th among world universities, and 67th in 2006; making it the country's top university.

The university operates several international cooperations with other universities all over the world, among which one is the Brain Bridge with Zhejiang University, PRC.

The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) in brief

There have been many changes since it was established in 1956 as a Technische Hogeschool (Technical College). The university now has 9 departments and provides 11 Bachelor’s degree programs, 1 special Bachelor's program, 20 Master’s degree programs, 6 special Master’s programs, 4 educational Master's programs (mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science), 8 post-doctoral programs for technological designers (Professional Doctorate in Engineering, PDEng) and various post-doctoral courses and programs (Doctor of Philosophy, PhD).

In 2007 the TU/e has around 3000 employees, 240 professors, 7100 students, 190 PDEng students, 640 PhD students, 25,000 graduate engineers, 1200 graduate technological designers and 2300 PhDs. There are some 100 students’ associations (social, sports, cultural and study-related) and 15 associations for graduates.

The TU/e has established a partnership with the Delft University of Technology and the University of Twente in the form of a Federation of Universities of Technology in the Netherlands which is at present being established. These three universities of technology are an important knowledge partner for industry and government in the field of advanced technology. They have an excellent scientific starting point among the top 20 European universities – with TU/e holding the number three position – and have a strong focus on the development and commercial application of knowledge. This partnership will be intensified in the coming years, and will initially promote the flow of students between the three universities from the bachelor’s to the Master’s programs. Together they will form the 3TU Graduate School in the field of Master’s programs, the Institute of Science and Technology in the field of research, and the 3TU Innovation Lab in the field of commercialization of knowledge.

The TU/e is the commissioner of ten research schools recognized by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as two of the six top research schools in the Netherlands and one of the four top technological institutes.
The TU/e forms part of the European CESAER, Santander and CLUSTER university networks, and has partnerships with universities around the world.


Architecture, Building and Planning
Structural design
Physical aspects of the built environment
Building engineering
Construction engineering
Design systems
Urban planning
Electrical Engineering

Information and communication systems
Measurement and control systems
Power engineering
Telecommunication and electromagnetism

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Chemical reactor engineering
Analytical chemistry
Polymer chemistry/coating technology
Solid state chemistry and materials science
Separation processes and fluid phenomena
Process development
Macromolecular and organic chemistry
Synthetics technology

Applied Physics
Physics and applications of ion beams
Physics and application of accelerators
Physics of surfaces and boundary layers
Gas dynamics
Turbulence and vortex dynamics
Semiconductor physics
Equilibrium and fluid dynamics in plasmas
Elementary processes in gas discharges
Physics of nano-structures
Theoretical and experimental nuclear physics and quantum electronics
System and control engineering
Low temperatures
Physical informatics and clinical physics
Classical theoretical physics and its foundations

Technology Management
Human Performance Management
Information Systems
Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control
Organisation Science and Marketing
Quality and Reliabilitiy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Computational Rheology
Mechanics of materials
Polymer technology
Process technology
Combustion technology
Energy technology
Dynamics and Control
Systems engineering
Precision engineering
Control systems technology
Design of industrial products

Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer science
Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering
(in co-operation with Universiteit Maastricht)

Industrial Design

Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands ranked 130th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking

Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands ranked 128th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking

Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands ranked 120th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking

Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands ranked 126th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking

Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands ranked 146th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


Technical University of Denmark

The Technical University of Denmark (Danish: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU) was founded in 1829 as the 'College of Advanced Technology' (Danish: Den Polytekniske Læreanstalt). The initiative was taken by the renowned physicist Hans Christian Ørsted (then a professor at the University of Copenhagen) who also served as its principal until his death in 1851.

From 1933 the institution was officially known as Danmarks Tekniske Højskole (DTH), which usually was translated as the 'Technical University of Denmark'. Finally on 1 April 1994, in connection with the joining of Danmarks Ingeniørakademi (DIA) and DTH, the Danish name was changed to Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, in order to include the word 'University', thus giving rise to the acronym DTU by which the university is commonly known today.

On January 1, 2007 the university was merged with the following Danish research centers: Forskningscenter Risø, Danmarks Fødevareforskning, Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser (from January 1, 2008: National Institute for Aquatic Resources; DTU Aqua), Danmarks Rumcenter, and Danmarks Transport-Forskning. In November 2007 the Times Higher Education Supplement put the university as number 130 in their ranking of the universities of the world.

The student union at DTU is Polyteknisk Forening (www.pf.dk), a 161-year old organisation that represents most of the DTU students.

History of DTU in brief

When the College of Advanced Technology was founded in 1829, Denmark had its first MSc programme in Engineering at a high academic level. The College changed its name to Danish Technical College in 1933 and finally became the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 1994.

DTU has always had a strong theoretical grounding. H.C. Ørsted, the man who discovered electromagnetism, founded the College in the image of École Polytechnique in France. The objective was to educate young men to work in industry, but in the beginning DTU was not able to teach practice, so the college mainly educated technical teachers.

Not until industrialisation really took off in the beginning of the 1870s did engineers from DTU begin to fill public-sector posts and they began to have play a major role in industry. Still, most major engineering projects were still carried out by foreign companies. But in the 1880s, foreign companies lost their influence and Danish engineers gradually began working abroad.

Just after the turn of the last century, under the headship of the great industrialist, G.E. Hagemann, DTU finally achieved an international level of excellence. In the first two decades of the 1900s, Danish engineers captured the international scene in structural engineering, shipbuilding and electrical engineering. DTU was now ready to educate the engineers needed to create the modern industrial society.


The College was founded in a professor’s manor in the heart of Copenhagen, Studiestræde/Skt. Pedersstræde. The new buildings at Sølvtorvet from 1889 did not have the laboratory facilities a modern institution needed. A boom in the number of students also meant that the buildings were too small. Immediate expansion was necessary. On its 100th anniversary in 1929, DTU lay the foundation stone for a new building complex at Østervoldgade. From 1962 to 1974, DTU moved to its current premises in Lundtofte near Lyngby, north of Copenhagen. Finally, the University had all the space it needed: approximately 375,000 square metres.


Risø National Laboratory - Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
DTU Biosys - Department of Systems Biology
Center for Biological Sequence Analysis — chair Søren Brunak
Center for Electron Nanoscopy (DTU Cen)
Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CICT)
Center for Traffic and Transport (CTT)
DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering (KT)
Department of Chemistry (KEMI)
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management (IPL)
Department of Mathematics (MAT)
Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK)
Department of Physics (FYSIK)
National Institute for Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua)
Environment & Resources DTU (ER)
Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling (DTU Informatics)
Micro and Nanotechnology (MIC)
The Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark (DTV)
Department of Electrical Engineering (DTU Elektro)

It Offers wide array of MSc Programme which includes:
Advanced and Applied Chemistry
Aquatic Science and Technology
Architectural Engineering
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Design and Innovation
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Design and Applied Mechanics
Environmental Engineering
Food Technology
Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Materials Engineering
Mathematical Modeling and Computation
Physics and Nanotechnology
Transportation and Logistics
Applied ICT
Engineering Acoustics
Petroleum Engineering
Sustainable Energy
Systems Biology
Wind Energy

DTU now offers MSc programs tutored in English for almost all research areas, thus offering students the widest possible choice. The content of the various programs reflects DTU’s status as one of the prime European engineering academies.

Through Recommended Study Lines, Specializations, Special MSc programs and Elite MSc programs, our MSc programs now offer a broad range of curricula from the highly specialized to a broader and more versatile educational profile.

The MSc programs include a number of General Competence courses. These are designed to offer students the range of skills necessary to meet the complex challenges of an engineering career, including project management, teamwork, communication, problem-solving and resource planning. All these skills are taught within the student’s field of research.

The Technological Specialization courses provide in-depth academic and technological training leading to a state-of-the-art qualification. By combining them with appropriate elective courses, students create their own inspiring and highly individual study programs.

Technical University of Denmark ranked 130th in the THES QS 2007 World University Ranking

Technical University of Denmark ranked 133rd in the THES QS 2008 World University Ranking

Technical University of Denmark ranked 159th in the THES QS 2009 World University Ranking

Technical University of Denmark ranked 141th in the QS 2010 World University Ranking

Technical University of Denmark ranked 150th in the QS 2011 World University Ranking


Newcastle University

Newcastle University is a leading research intensive university located in Newcastle upon Tyne in the north-east of England. It was established as a School of Medicine and Surgery in 1834 and became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne by an Act of Parliament in August 1963. Newcastle University is a member of the Russell Group, an association of leading research-intensive UK universities. The University has one of the largest EU research portfolios in the UK.


The University has its origins in the School of Medicine and Surgery which was established in Newcastle upon Tyne in October 1834, providing basic lectures and practical demonstrations to around 26 students. In June 1851, following a dispute amongst the teaching staff, the School was split into two rival institutions: the majority forming the Newcastle College of Medicine, with the others establishing themselves as the Newcastle upon Tyne College of Medicine and Practical Science. By 1852 the majority college was formally linked to the University of Durham and its teaching certificates were recognised by the University of London for graduation in medicine. The two colleges amalgamated in 1857 and renamed the University of Durham College of Medicine in 1870.

Attempts to realise a place for the teaching of sciences in the city were finally met with the foundation of the College of Physical Science in 1871. The college offered instruction in mathematics, physics, chemistry and geology to meet the growing needs of the mining industry, becoming the Durham College of Physical Science in 1883 and then renamed after William George Armstrong as Armstrong College in 1904. Both these separate and independent institutions later became part of the University of Durham, whose 1908 Act formally recognised that the University consisted of two Divisions, Durham and Newcastle, on two different sites. By 1908, the Newcastle Division was teaching a full range of subjects in the Faculties of Medicine, Arts, and Science, which also included agriculture and engineering.

Throughout the early 20th century, the medical and science colleges vastly outpaced the growth of their Durham counterparts and a Royal Commission in 1934 recommended the merger of the two colleges to form King's College, Durham.

Growth of the Newcastle Division of the federal Durham University led to tensions within the structure and in 1963 an Act of Parliament separated the two, creating the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

The University has also been actively involved with some of the region's museums for many years, the currently-being renovated Hancock Museum is one such example.

Faculties and Schools

Teaching schools within the University are based within three faculties. Each faculty is lead by a Provost/Pro-vice chancellor and a team of Deans with specific responsibilities.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Architecture, Planning & Landscape
Arts & Cultures
Newcastle University Business School
Education, Communication & Language Sciences
English Literature, Language & Linguistics
Geography, Politics & Sociology
Historical Studies
The Language Centre
Newcastle Law School
School of Modern Languages

Faculty of Medical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Clinical & Laboratory Sciences
Clinical Medical Sciences
Dental Sciences
Medical Education Development
Postgraduate Institute for Medicine & Dentistry
Neurology, Neurobiology & Psychiatry
Surgical & Reproductive Sciences

Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering
Agriculture, Food & Rural Development
Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials
Civil Engineering & Geosciences
Computing Science
Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering
Marine Science & Technology
Mathematics & Statistics
Mechanical & Systems Engineering
Natural Sciences

This is What Newcastle University say about them:

Today's University is a forward-looking, dynamic community of more than 18,000 students and 4,500 staff.

As one of the UK's leading universities, our reputation rests on the quality of our teaching - both for undergraduates and postgraduates, our outstanding research, and our work with the regional and local community, businesses and industry. This is underpinned by our mission to play a leading role in our city and region.
Creating a Campus for the Future

The next two years will see extensive development of the Haymarket-facing perimeter of the University's main campus.
Newcastle University can trace its origins to a School of Medicine and Surgery, established in Newcastle in 1834. Learn more about the history of Newcastle.

Throughout the history of the University we have benefited from the generous support of Alumni, individuals, charitable trusts and companies. Find out more about the University, its structure and principal officers.


The university won the Sunday Times University of the Year award in 2000 and is ranked 9th best in the UK by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities in 2007. The majority of undergraduate subjects were also ranked in the top 10 or top 20 in the Times Good University Guide 2008 and all of its subjects are awarded at least 20 points out of 24 by the Quality Assurance Agency.

The University is also ranked highly for its research, and in the publication Research Fortnight Newcastle University was named as fifth best in the UK for its research carried out across departments in 2007. It was also been named the second friendliest university by the Friends Reunited website in 2006. The University Library is the only one in the UK to have been awarded the government's Charter Mark for excellent customer services five times in a row. The University has one of the best track records for graduate employment in the country, and the Careers Service has won seven prestigious national careers awards in recent years by the Institute of Career Guidance.

Newcastle University, United Kingdom ranked 129th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking

Newcastle University, United Kingdom ranked 162nd in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking

Newcastle University, United Kingdom ranked 158th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking

Newcastle University, United Kingdom ranked 140th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking

Newcastle University, United Kingdom ranked 127th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew: האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים‎, Arabic: الجامعة العبرية في القدس‎, abbreviated as HUJ or HUJI) is Israel's oldest university.

The First Board of Governors included Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Martin Buber, and Chaim Weizmann. It is home to the world's largest Jewish studies library, scholars who have been faculty members include Gershom Scholem, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Daniel Kahneman and Robert Aumann. Four of Israel's prime ministers are alumni of the Hebrew University, including the current prime minister. Hebrew university consistently ranks amongst the top universities in Israel and the world


One of the visions of the Zionist movement was the establishment of a Hebrew university in Palestine. Founding a university was proposed as far back as 1884 in the Kattowitz conference of the Hovevei Zion society. A major supporter of the idea was Albert Einstein, who bequeathed his papers and entire estate to the university.

The cornerstone for the university was laid in 1918, and, seven years later, on April 1, 1925, the Hebrew University campus on Mount Scopus of Jerusalem was opened at a gala ceremony attended by the leaders of the Jewish world, distinguished scholars and public figures, and British dignitaries, including Lord Arthur James Balfour, Viscount Allenby and Sir Herbert Samuel. The university's first Chancellor was Judah Magnes.

By 1947, the University had become a large research and teaching institution. Plans for a medical school were approved in May 1949, and in November 1949, a faculty of law was inaugurated. In 1952, it was announced that the agricultural institute founded by the university in 1940 would become a full-fledged faculty of agriculture.

During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Arabs repeatedly attacked the university, located to the northeast of Jerusalem, and convoys moving between the Israeli-controlled section of Jerusalem and the university.

After the attack on the Hadassah medical convoy in 1948, the Mount Scopus campus was cut off from Jewish Jerusalem.When the Jordanian government reneged on the 1949 Armistice Agreements and refused Israeli access to the Mount Scopus campus, the University was forced to build a new campus in Givat Ram in western Jerusalem, which was completed in 1953. In the interim, the university rented part of the Terra Sancta building in Rehavia from the Franciscan Custodians of the Latin Holy Places and held classes there. A few years later, together with the Hadassah Medical Organization, a medical science campus was built in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ein Kerem in southwest Jerusalem.

By the beginning of 1967, the students numbered 12,500, spread among the two campuses in Jerusalem and the agricultural faculty in Rehovot.

After the reunification of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War of June 1967, the University was able to return to the Mount Scopus campus, which was rebuilt. In 1981 the construction work was completed, and the Mount Scopus campus again became the main campus of the university. The university was again touched by conflict on July 31, 2002, when a Palestinian construction worker (a resident of East Jerusalem) exploded a bomb in the university's crowded Frank Sinatra cafeteria during lunch time. Nine people — five Israeli citizens, three American citizens, and one citizen of both France and the United States — were killed by the explosion and many more injured. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. World leaders including Kofi Annan, President Bush, and the President of the European Union issued statements of condemnation.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem was opened in 1925 on Mount Scopus, which overlooks the Old City of Jerusalem. Today nearly 24,000 students study on the four campuses of the University:

Mount Scopus Campus houses: the Faculty of Humanities and School of Education; Faculty of Social Sciences; Faculty of Law and Institute of Criminology; School of Business Administration; School of Occupational Therapy; School of Social Work & Social Welfare and the Rothberg International School;

Edmond Safra Givat Ram Campus houses the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the School of Computer Science and Engineering;

Ein Karem Campus houses the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center – Faculty of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Public Health & Family Medicine, School of Nursing and the Faculty of Dental Medicine;

Rehovot Campus houses the Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environmental Quality Sciences, School of Nutritional Sciences and the School of Veterinary Medicine.

The Hebrew University is open to all academically qualified applicants, regardless of nationality, race, creed, color or religion. Studies are offered on the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels and postgraduate diploma programs.


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • School of Education
  • Faculty of Social Science
  • School of Business Administration
  • Faculty of Law
  • School of Social Work and Social Welfare
  • Faculty of Mathematics & Science
  • Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environmental Quality Sciences
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dental Medicine

Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 128th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking

Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 93rd in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking

Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 102nd in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking

Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 109th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking

Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 120th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


University of Western Ontario

The University of Western Ontario (known as Western, as well as UWO or Western Ontario) is a public research university located in London, Ontario. It is one of Canada's oldest universities, founded in 1878 by Bishop Isaac Hellmuth and the Anglican Diocese of Huron as The Western University of London Ontario. Huron College, established in 1863 as an Anglican theological school, provided the basis for the new university. The University covers 1.6 km² of land on the north branch of the Thames River and the main campus consists of 75 buildings. The university also has extensive land holdings outside of the main campus.

The school colours are purple and white, and the school's motto is Veritas et utilitas, meaning Truth and usefulness. The University's Chancellor is Arthur Labatt, and its President is Dr. Paul Davenport. Through its twelve faculties and schools, and three affiliated colleges, the University offers more than 200 different degree and diploma programs.


The University was founded in 1878 by Bishop Isaac Hellmuth of the Anglican Diocese of Huron as "The Western University of London Ontario."It incorporated Huron University College, which had been founded in 1863.The first four faculties were Arts, Divinity, Law and Medicine, and there were originally only 15 students when classes began in 1881. The first of these students graduated in 1883. The Western University of London was eventually made non-denominational in 1908.

In 1916, the current site of the University was purchased from the Kingsmill family, and in 1923 the Western University of London was renamed the University of Western Ontario. The first two buildings constructed at the new site were the Arts Building (now University College) and the Natural Science Building (now the Physics and Astronomy Building). These were built in a neo-Gothic or "Collegiate Gothic" style, and classes on the present site of the school began in 1924. The University College tower, one of the most distinctive features of the University, was named the Middlesex Memorial Tower in honour of the men from Middlesex County who had fought in World War I (all 40 male students at Western in 1914 had enlisted). Western later became affiliated with St. Peter's College seminary of London, Ontario in 1939, and it eventually became King's College, an arts faculty.

Although enrollment was relatively small for many years, the University began to increase greatly in size after World War II and by the 1970s, 10% of university students in Ontario were enrolled at Western. The University saw the addition of a number of new faculties in the post-war period, such as the Faculty of Graduate Studies (1947), the School of Business Administration (now the Richard Ivey School of Business) (1949), the Faculty of Engineering Science (now the Faculty of Engineering) (1957), the Faculty of Law (1959), and Althouse College for Education students (1963).

Other notable buildings on campus include Thames Hall (built in 1949), the Stevenson-Lawson Building (built in 1959), Middlesex College (with its clock tower, another distinctive feature of the university, built in 1960), Talbot College (built in 1966), Alumni Hall (built in 1967), London Health Sciences Centre University Hospital, the John P. Robarts Research Institute, the Lawson Health Research Institute, the D.B. Weldon Library, the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, the University Community Centre, the Social Science Centre, and T.D. Waterhouse Stadium (built in 2001). The campus is also home to the Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory, built in 1940 as one of the first observatories at a Canadian university, and named after the grandfather of actor Hume Cronyn.

The University of Western Ontario also has a well-developed part-time and continuing education faculty which includes a French-English Summer School at Trois-Pistoles, Quebec. The university has affiliations with Huron University College, Brescia University College, and King's University College (University of Western Ontario)


Western offers more than 200 different programs through its 12 faculties and schools and three affiliated colleges:
  • Arts and Humanities,
  • Education,
  • Engineering, Students can choose to specialize in the following disciplines: Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Integrated Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering.
  • Graduate Studies,
  • Health Sciences,
  • Information and Media Studies,
  • Western Law,
  • Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,
  • Don Wright Faculty of Music,
  • Richard Ivey School of Business,
  • Science,
  • Social Science,

Including its three affiliated colleges, Western's total enrolment is currently 32,000 full- and part-time students.The University has three affiliated colleges:
Brescia University College (Roman Catholic; the only university-level women's college in Canada), established in 1919 by the Ursuline Sisters.


Founded 1878
Located in London Ontario – Canada’s 10th largest city with a population 340,000
Campus size – 155 hectares
Full-time faculty and staff - 3200
Alumni - 210,000 worldwide
Libraries – 6, plus an Archives and Research Collections Centre
Library Collection – 8 million items (4th largest in Canada)
Residences – 8 with 4150 spaces on main campus alone
Research projects underway – 3400 worth $180+ million in annual funding
Student clubs and associations - 160+
Intramural sports program - largest in Canada
Varsity athletic teams – 36
Average entering grade from high school 85%
Rhodes Scholars - 4 in the last 7 years
Teaching awards – 19
3M national award winners – 1st in Ontario, 2nd in Canada
Exchange and Study Abroad Programs – on six continents


Western is one of Canada's leading universities,ranked #1 in the 2007 and 2005 Globe and Mail University Report Card for overall quality of education It ranked #3 among medical-doctoral level universities according to Maclean's Magazine 2005 University Rankings.

In 2006, Western and many other universities refused to provide Maclean's with data due to concerns regarding the magazine's ranking methodology.In that year, it ranked #5 in the Medical-Doctoral category. Three of the four schools placed above Western in that year's ranking had also refused to participate. In the 2007 Maclean's rankings, Western dropped considerably to 7 out of 15 universities in the medical doctoral category.

University of Western Ontario ranked 126th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking

University of Western Ontario ranked 159th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking

University of Western Ontario ranked 151st in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking

University of Western Ontario ranked 164th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking

University of Western Ontario ranked 157th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN (Humboldt University of Berlin)

The Humboldt University of Berlin (German Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) is Berlin's oldest university, founded in 1810 as the University of Berlin (Universität zu Berlin) by the liberal Prussian educational reformer and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt, whose university model has strongly influenced other European and Western universities. From 1828 it was known as the Frederick William University (Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität), later also as the Universität unter den Linden. In 1949, it changed its name to Humboldt-Universität in honour of both, its founder Wilhelm and his brother, naturalist Alexander von Humboldt.


The university has been home to many of Germany's greatest thinkers of the past two centuries, among them the subjective idealist philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher, the absolute idealist philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, the Romantic legal theorist Savigny, the pessimist philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, the objective idealist philosopher Friedrich Schelling, cultural critic Walter Benjamin, and famous physicists Albert Einstein and Max Planck. Founders of Marxist theory Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels attended the university, as did poet Heinrich Heine, German unifier Otto von Bismarck, Communist Party of Germany founder Karl Liebknecht, African American Pan Africanist W. E. B. Du Bois and European unifier Robert Schuman, as well as the influential surgeon Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach in the early half of the 1800s. The university is home to 29 Nobel Prize winners.

Taking advantage of its location at the center of the new Europe, Humboldt University has developed an active international program and a strong interest in university reform. The University’s 36,000 students include more than 4,000 foreign students, many from Eastern Europe.


These are the 11 faculties into which the university is divided:
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences I (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences II (Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics, Psychology)
  • Charité - Berlin University Medicine
  • Faculty of Philosophy I (Philosophy, History, European Ethnology, Department of Library and Information Science)
  • Faculty of Philosophy II (Literature, Linguistics, Scandinavian Studies, Romance literatures, English and American Studies, Slavic Studies, Classical Philology)
  • Faculty of Philosophy III (Social Sciences, Cultural Studies/Arts, Asian/African Studies (includes Archeology), Gender Studies)
  • Faculty of Philosophy IV (Sport science, Rehabilitation Studies, Education, Quality Management in Education)
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Furthermore there are two independent institutes (Zentralinstitute) that are part of the university:
  • Centre for British Studies (in German: Großbritannienzentrum)
  • Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Natural History)

Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin ranked 126th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking

Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin ranked 139th in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking

Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin ranked 146th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking

Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin ranked 123rd in the 2010 QS World University Ranking

Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin ranked 132th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking


Nanjing University

Nanjing University (Chinese: 南京大学; pinyin: Nánjīng Dàxué; colloquially 南大) is a national comprehensive university located in Nanjing, an ancient capital of China. It is regarded as one of the best and most selective universities in China. Its history dates back to the first year of Yong'an reign (AD 258), making it one of the oldest higher learning institutions in the world. It became the first modern Chinese university in the early 1920s.

Nanjing University is one of China's key comprehensive universities and it functions directly under the Ministry of Education. It is located in the ancient capital of six dynasties -- Nanjing. The University dates back to 1902 when Sanjiang Normal School was founded, and then evolved as Liangjiang Normal School, Nanjing Higher Normal School, National Southeast University, the Fourth Zhongshan University, and National Central University. On August 8, 1949, the National Central University was renamed National Nanjing University. In October 1950, as required by the Ministry of Education, the name was changed to Nanjing University. In 1952, when a nationwide readjustment of universities took place, some schools, such as the School of Engineering and the School of Agriculture, were separated from the University; meanwhile, the University merged with the School of Liberal Arts and the School of Sciences of the University of Nanking, which was founded in 1888. The new university remained Nanjing University and the campus of Nanjing University moved from Sipailou to Gulou.

Today, Nanjing University consists of two campuses, one in Gulou and the other in Pukou with a total area of more than 3,600 mu (nearly 600 acres). It is one of the top universities in China, with beautiful campuses and modern teaching and research facilities. Its current President is Professor Chen Jun, a geochemist. The University celebrates its anniversary on May 20 of each year.

Nanjing University's development has always been closely bound with the destiny of the Chinese nation and linked to her ever changing society. Nanjing Higher Normal University, the predecessor of Nanjing University, played a leading role in the area of Nanjing when the Youth Democratic Movement was held on May 4, 1919. In the early 1920s, it was in this university that a group of Chinese communist forerunners introduced the theory of Marxism to the public. The Second National Conference of Chinese Communist Youth League was also held at the University. During the Anti-Japanese War, organizations like the "Natural Sciences Forum" and the "Democracy and Science Forum", headed by Pan Shu, Liang Xi and Jin Baoshan, renowned professors of National Central University, eventually became the democratic party "Jiu San Society." During the Liberation War, teachers and students of National Central University stood at the forefront through out the democratic patriotic movement.

On May 20, 1947, students of National Central University initiated an "Anti-Hunger, Anti-Civil War and Anti-Persecution Movement", later known as the "May 20th Patriotic Students Movement." After the National Central University was renamed Nanjing University, the truth-seeking convention was carried forward. In May 1978, one scholar at the Philosophy Department published, in the Guangming Daily, a well-known essay entitled "Practice Is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth" and thus evoked "a heated discussion on the criterion of truth" that attracted nationwide attention.

In its history of more than 100 years, Nanjing University has cultivated a great number of prominent and learned figures, having thus contributed much to the nation's revitalization and development. Many famous scientists and scholars, such as Li Ruiqing, Wu Youxun, Zhu Kezhen, Mao Yisheng, Liu Yizheng, Hu Xiaoshi, Tao Xingzhi, Guo Bingwen, Chen Heqin, Tang Yongtong, Ma Yinchu, Li Shutong, Xiong Qinglai, Tong Dizhou, Jin Shanbao, Wen Yiduo, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Fu Baoshi, Yan Jici, Wu Jianxiong, Li Guoding, Luo Jialun, Gu Yuxiu, Li Fangxun, Wu Mi, Zhu Guangya, Zhao Zhongyao, Pearl S. Buck, Yang Xingfo, Lu Shuxiang, Liang Xi, Dai Anbang, Chen Baichen and Kuang Yaming, have studied or worked here. Of the 23 distinguished scholars recognized by the nation for their pioneering work on the founding of the country's high-tech system, six are from Nanjing University.

Since China's reform and opening, Nanjing University has gradually developed multi-disciplinary programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technological sciences, life sciences, modern engineering and management. At present, Nanjing University has 17 schools with 50 departments. It runs 74 undergraduate programs, 186 master's programs (with six programs designated by the University itself), seven professional master's programs; 16 primary disciplines for doctoral degrees, and 122 Ph.D. programs (with six programs designated by the University itself) as well as 18 post-doctoral stations. In addition, the University has 28 national key disciplines, 10 provincial key disciplines, and 6 national key laboratories. It also houses 11 national training bases for the research and teaching personnel in basic sciences and liberal arts, and three bases for humanities and social sciences research appraised by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Among the nearly 2,000 teaching faculty, there are 654 full professors, including 27 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, three academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, four academicians of the Third-World Academy of Sciences, and one academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There are two premier scientists for the National Key Development Program in Basic Research (Project 973), and also 19 middle-aged and young scholars nationally appraised for remarkable contributions, 70 winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund, 36 specially appointed professors for the nation's Cheung Kong Scholars Program, 29 scholars supported by the Supporting Plan for New Century's Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education, four National Renowned Teachers, and 574 Ph.D. supervisors.

With its multi-disciplinary structure and highly qualified faculty, Nanjing University is one of the leaders in educational operations among Chinese institutions of higher learning. According to statistics, from 1992, the number of research papers by Nanjing University on the Science Citation Index (SCI) ranked first among all universities in China's Mainland for seven years successively. And for eight years in a roll, the number of articles cited by academic circles abroad ranked highest of all Chinese universities in the mainland. In the recent decade, Nanjing University has won over 800 national, ministerial and provincial awards, including over 40 National Awards for Natural Sciences, Scientific Progress and Technological Innovation. Since 2000, the University has won 9 National Second Awards for Natural Science. Since 1994, the number of National Natural Sciences Fund programs and National Social Sciences Fund programs undertaken at Nanjing University has been among the highest of all Chinese universities.

Nanjing University has made remarkable achievements in personnel training. At present, the University has over 41,600 students, including 9,964 Ph.D. and master's degree students. With a solid academic foundation and strong potential for career development, the graduates of Nanjing University have been well received by employers in China. In the international academic circles, seven graduates of Nanjing University have won the American President's Awards. Many attainments and findings from research projects have been named after the graduate students and their supervisors of Nanjing University, such as Zhou-Gong: Distributing Mutual-Changes Theory and Wu: Solidarity Theory.In the International English Speech Contest held in the UK, students of Nanjing University won two championships. In 1994 and 1995, the students' debating team of Nanjing University won the national and international championship in debating competitions. And in 1999 Nanjing University was the first comprehensive university endorsed by the Ministry of Education to pass a national evaluation of undergraduate teaching in China.

Nanjing University provides a good environment for teaching and research. Its library contains over 4.29 million volumes, ranking among the top ones of all the universities in China. There are currently 116 institutes of various types, 87 interdisciplinary research centers and some large teaching, research and experiment facilities such as the Analysis Center, the Network and Information Center, and the Educational Technology Center.

Nanjing University is one of the most active universities in China in its international academic exchanges. Since 1979, it has set up links with more than 180 universities and institutions in nearly 30 countries, employed over 1,800 foreign scholars to teach and give lectures, held more than 120 international conferences, and more than 2,500 teachers have been sent aboard to pursue higher degrees and conduct research. In the meantime, more than 6,000 international students have studied at this university. Nobel Prize laureates, such as Professors Chen Ning Yang, Tsung Dao Lee, Ilya Prigogine, Sheldon Glashow and Robert Mandel have been conferred Honorary Doctorates, or Honorary Professorship by the university.

A large number of world famous statesmen, scientists and social activists, such as former US President George Bush, former French President Francois Mitterrant, and former Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawk have also visited Nanjing University. In order to learn from international experiences of teaching, research and management, Nanjing University has been exploring international cooperation of various modes and levels. The University jointly founded the Center for Chinese and American Studies with the Johns Hopkins University of the United States, the Sino-German Institute for Law with Gottingen University in Germany, and the Lab of Multi-Media Long Distance Satellite Teaching System with the Japanese Ministry of Tele-Communication. As a successful model of Sino-US educational cooperation, the Center for Chinese and American Studies has received attention and acclamation from the leaders of both countries and has become well known in the academic world. It is regarded as "an ideal place for students to learn western culture without going aboard."

Schools and Departments
  • School of Humanities - Chinese, History, Philosophy, Religion
  • School of Foreign Studies -English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, International Business
  • School of Science - Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy
  • School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering -Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Polymer material
  • School of Geoscience - Earth Science, Atmosphere Science, Urban & Resources Science
  • School of Technology - Computer Science & Technology, Electronics Science & Engineering, Material Science & Technology
  • School of Business - Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Accounting, International Trading, Electronic Commerce,Marketing
  • School of Public Administration - Politics, Government Administration, Sociology, Information Management
  • School of Journalism & Communication
  • School of Law
  • School of Life Sciences
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Environment
  • School of Architecture
  • Software Institute
  • Department of Intensive Instruction

Nanjing University ranked:
125th in the 2007 THES-QS World University Ranking
143rd in the 2008 THES-QS World University Ranking
168th in the 2009 THES-QS World University Ranking
177th in the 2010 QS World University Ranking
186th in the 2011 QS World University Ranking